// Plotclock
// cc - by Johannes Heberlein 2014
// v 1.01
// thingiverse.com/joo wiki.fablab-nuernberg.de

// units: mm; microseconds; radians
// origin: bottom left of drawing surface

// time library see http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/time

// delete or mark the next line as comment when done with calibration

// When in calibration mode, adjust the following factor until the servos move exactly 90 degrees
#define SERVOFAKTOR 620

// Zero-position of left and right servo
// When in calibration mode, adjust the NULL-values so that the servo arms are at all times parallel
// either to the X or Y axis
#define SERVOLEFTNULL 1900


// lift positions of lifting servo
#define LIFT0 1080 // on drawing surface
#define LIFT1 925 // between numbers
#define LIFT2 725 // going towards sweeper

// speed of liftimg arm, higher is slower
#define LIFTSPEED 1500

// length of arms
#define L1 35
#define L2 55.1
#define L3 13.2

// origin points of left and right servo
#define O1X 22
#define O1Y -25
#define O2X 47
#define O2Y -25

#include <Time.h> // see http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/time
#include <Servo.h>

int servoLift = 1500;

Servo servo1; //
Servo servo2; //
Servo servo3; //

volatile double lastX = 75;
volatile double lastY = 47.5;

int last_min = 0;

void setup()
  // Set current time only the first to values, hh,mm are needed

  drawTo(75.2, 47);
  servo1.attach (SERVOPINLIFT); // lifting servo
  servo2.attach(SERVOPINLEFT); // left servo
  servo3.attach(SERVOPINRIGHT); // right servo


void loop()


  // Servohorns will have 90° between movements, parallel to x and y axis
  drawTo(-3, 29.2);
  drawTo(74.1, 28);


  int i = 0;
  if (last_min != minute()) {

    if (!servo1.attached()) servo1.attach(SERVOPINLIFT);
    if (!servo2.attached()) servo2.attach(SERVOPINLEFT);
    if (!servo3.attached()) servo3.attach(SERVOPINRIGHT);


    while ((i+1)*10 <= hour())

    number(3, 3, 111, 1);
    number(5, 25, i, 0.9);
    number(19, 25, (hour()-i*10), 0.9);
    number(28, 25, 11, 0.9);

    while ((i+1)*10 <= minute())
    number(34, 25, i, 0.9);
    number(48, 25, (minute()-i*10), 0.9);
    drawTo(74.2, 47.5);
    last_min = minute();

    servo3.detach ();



// Writing numeral with bx by being the bottom left originpoint. Scale 1 equals a 20 mm high font.
// The structure follows this principle: move to first startpoint of the numeral, lift down, draw numeral, lift up
void number(float bx, float by, int num, float scale) {

  switch (num) {

  case 0:
    drawTo (bx + 12 * scale, by + 6 * scale);
    bogenGZS (bx + 7 * scale, by + 10 * scale, 10 * scale, -0.8, 6.7, 0.5);
  case 1:

    drawTo (bx + 3 * scale, by + 15 * scale);
    drawTo (bx + 10 * scale, by + 20 * scale);
    drawTo(bx + 10 * scale, by + 0 * scale);
  case 2:
    drawTo (bx + 2 * scale, by + 12 * scale);
    bogenUZS (bx + 8 * scale, by + 14 * scale, 6 * scale, 3, -0.8, 1);
    drawTo(bx + 1 * scale, by + 0 * scale);
    drawTo (bx + 12 * scale, by + 0 * scale);
  case 3:
    drawTo(bx + 2 * scale, by + 17 * scale);
    bogenUZS(bx + 5 * scale, by + 15 * scale, 5 * scale, 3, -2, 1);
    bogenUZS(bx + 5 * scale, by + 5 * scale, 5 * scale, 1.57, -3, 1);
  case 4:
    drawTo(bx + 10 * scale, by + 0 * scale);
    drawTo(bx + 10 * scale, by + 20 * scale);
    drawTo(bx + 2 * scale, by + 6 * scale);
    drawTo (bx + 12 * scale, by + 6 * scale);
  case 5:
    drawTo(bx + 2 * scale, by + 5 * scale);
    bogenGZS(bx + 5 * scale, by + 6 * scale, 6 * scale, -2.5, 2, 1);
    drawTo(bx + 5 * scale, by + 20 * scale);
    drawTo (bx + 12 * scale, by + 20 * scale);
  case 6:
    drawTo(bx + 2 * scale, by + 10 * scale);
    bogenUZS(bx + 7 * scale, by + 6 * scale, 6 * scale, 2, -4.4, 1);
    drawTo(bx + 11 * scale, by + 20 * scale);
  case 7:
    drawTo (bx + 2 * scale, by + 20 * scale);
    drawTo (bx + 12 * scale, by + 20 * scale);
    drawTo(bx + 2 * scale, by + 0);
  case 8:
    drawTo(bx + 5 * scale, by + 10 * scale);
    bogenUZS(bx + 5 * scale, by + 15 * scale, 5 * scale, 4.7, -1.6, 1);
    bogenGZS(bx + 5 * scale, by + 5 * scale, 5 * scale, -4.7, 2, 1);

  case 9:
    drawTo(bx + 9 * scale, by + 11 * scale);
    bogenUZS(bx + 7 * scale, by + 15 * scale, 5 * scale, 4, -0.5, 1);
    drawTo(bx + 5 * scale, by + 0);

  case 111:

    drawTo(70, 46);
    drawTo(65, 43);

    drawTo(65, 49);
    drawTo (5, 49);
    drawTo(5, 45);
    drawTo(65, 45);
    drawTo (65, 40);

    drawTo(5, 40);
    drawTo(5, 35);
    drawTo(65, 35);
    drawTo (65, 30);

    drawTo(5, 30);
    drawTo(5, 25);
    drawTo(65, 25);
    drawTo (65, 20);

    drawTo(5, 20);
    drawTo(60, 44);

    drawTo(75.2, 47);


  case 11:
    drawTo (bx + 5 * scale, by + 15 * scale);
    bogenGZS (bx + 5 * scale, by + 15 * scale, 0.1 * scale, 1, -1, 1);
    drawTo (bx + 5 * scale, by + 5 * scale);
    bogenGZS (bx + 5 * scale, by + 5 * scale, 0.1 * scale, 1, -1, 1);


void lift(char lift) {
  switch (lift) {
    // room to optimize !

  case 0: //850

      if (servoLift >= LIFT0) {
      while (servoLift >= LIFT0)
    else {
      while (servoLift <= LIFT0) {




  case 1: //150

    if (servoLift >= LIFT1) {
      while (servoLift >= LIFT1) {

    else {
      while (servoLift <= LIFT1) {



  case 2:

    if (servoLift >= LIFT2) {
      while (servoLift >= LIFT2) {
    else {
      while (servoLift <= LIFT2) {

void bogenUZS(float bx, float by, float radius, int start, int ende, float sqee) {
  float inkr = -0.05;
  float count = 0;

  do {
    drawTo(sqee * radius * cos(start + count) + bx,
    radius * sin(start + count) + by);
    count += inkr;
  while ((start + count) > ende);


void bogenGZS(float bx, float by, float radius, int start, int ende, float sqee) {
  float inkr = 0.05;
  float count = 0;

  do {
    drawTo (sqee * radius * cos(start + count) + bx,
    radius * sin (start + count) + by);
    count += inkr;
  while ((start + count) <= ende);

void drawTo(double pX, double pY) {
  double dx, dy, c;
  int i;

  // dx dy of new point
  dx = pX - lastX;
  dy = pY - lastY;
  //path lenght in mm, times 4 equals 4 steps per mm
  c = floor(4 * sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy));

  if (c < 1) c = 1;

  for (i = 0; i <= c; i++) {
    // draw line point by point
    set_XY(lastX + (i * dx / c), lastY + (i * dy / c));


  lastX = pX;
  lastY = pY;

double return_angle(double a, double b, double c) {
  // cosine rule for angle between c and a
  return acos((a * a + c * c - b * b) / (2 * a * c));

void set_XY(double Tx, double Ty)
  double dx, dy, c, a1, a2, Hx, Hy;

  // calculate triangle between pen, servoLeft and arm joint
  // cartesian dx/dy
  dx = Tx - O1X;
  dy = Ty - O1Y;

  // polar lemgth (c) and angle (a1)
  c = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); //
  a1 = atan2(dy, dx); //
  a2 = return_angle(L1, L2, c);

  servo2.writeMicroseconds(floor(((a2 + a1 - M_PI) * SERVOFAKTOR) + SERVOLEFTNULL));

  // calculate joinr arm point for triangle of the right servo arm
  a2 = return_angle (L2, L1, c);
  Hx = Tx + L3 * cos((a1 - a2 + 0.621) + M_PI); //36,5°
  Hy = Ty + L3 * sin((a1 - a2 + 0.621) + M_PI);

  // calculate triangle between pen joint, servoRight and arm joint
  dx = Hx - O2X;
  dy = Hy - O2Y;

  c = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
  a1 = atan2 (dy, dx);
  a2 = return_angle (L1, (L2 - L3), c);

  servo3.writeMicroseconds(floor(((a1 - a2) * SERVOFAKTOR) + SERVORIGHTNULL));
