Some of the formulae behind magnetic loop design are included below. I am grateful to Reg G4FGQ for these. I have used Ln to refer to natural logs because I'm a Sinclair/BBC baby I suppose...
For a square loop the inductance is smaller for the same perimeter and the value 2.451 changes to 2.853 - the area within the loop being the main variable.
Above a few hundred kHz RF flows in the surface or skin of a conductor - the material for the loop can be hollow tube, or perhaps the outer braid of good quality co-axial feeder.
and the tuning capacitor setting in pico-farads is calculated:
31171 ( PI to the fourth power x 320 ) multiplied by the Area squared (A*A), divided by the Wavelength to the fourth power (W**4)
The above formulae apply only to small loops with perimeters not greater than 1/5 of a wavelength. They do not apply accurately to loops near to the ground, at a height less than about half a loop diameter, because heavy loop currents induce currents in the ground in a manner similar to electric induction-heating furnaces. This power loss is represented by an additional loss resistance inside the loop. Reg. G4FGQ
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