Greetings, colleagues! My name is Nicholas. I have been engaged in radio design from the fourth grade - this is somewhere in the mid-1960s. Since then, the soldering iron has become my desk accessory. Fortunately, in those days there were a lot of circles in clubs and at technical creativity stations, and all this is free (in contrast to today's time). In youth he participated in various radio exhibitions.
After the 8th grade, I entered the Gorky Radio-Electrotechnical College (GRET), then military service in the army, then studying at the institute brought me a higher radio engineering education in the specialty “Radio Communications and Broadcasting” and my favorite job.
In addition to radio amateurs, many other hobbies - computers, photography, esotericism, invention (TRIZ), CNC machines, quadrocopters ...
In the early 90's carried away by computers and programming. With my first computer, I generally started talking in machine codes. This symbiosis of radio amateurism and the enthusiasm for computers directed me towards information and network technologies. Several years ago, "sat down" on microcontrollers and Arduino - a convenient platform for rapid development of electronic devices. The use of microcontrollers gave me ample opportunities to realize my old ideas.
Amateur radio call sign - RA3TOX. On air I mainly work with digital mods (FT8). I love the 10m band for its variability. Since 2018, I have become interested in receiving satellites using LoRa technology (international TinyGS project). But I am more fascinated by the process of developing and assembling radio structures. I like to experiment with antennas and their modeling in the MMANA and EZNEC programs. Whenever possible, I go to "Field Days", but mainly as a technician installing equipment and antennas.
A few words about my site "Radiofanat". He emerged as he created his home electronic archive on radio electronics, which I created by scanning interesting articles for me from various magazines and books. When the volume of information grew into several hundred articles - they began to send them to various amateur sites, which in the late 90's were very few. In December 1998, I created my website "Radiofanat", which I replenish as much as possible (there are many outlines of articles, but there is not enough time to finish it). In the early 2000's, copies of my site appeared on CD-ROMs and clones of my site on the network. I'm not offended, especially if there is a link to my site, as a tribute to my great work on scanning articles and translating them into HTML. Also do not mind placing my own articles in other sources with reference to my website and the author.
For those who are interested not only in radio-amateurs, but also in other home-made products for the home, giving and your children, I invite you to my other page - the Master of all trades.
To all my visitors I wish execution of all their ideas and new creative successes!
My laboratory